Rabu, 15 April 2009

chopstick pet (chopstick puppet and mini stage)

EDSA(english departmen student association) Anniversairy yang ke 25 di universitas kanjuruhan mengadakan lomba teaching learning media for senior high school,nggak nyangka dapet juara pertama dengan menciptakan karya yang pertamanya buat kita pesimis.Kita membuat chopstick pet and mini stage yang bahan dasarnya dari sumpit,kain flannel,dakron,lem,dan alat alat jahit.Serta membuat mini stage untuk panggungnya sebagia media pendukung untuk jalannya proses belajar mengajar.Mini stage terbuat dari kardus yang kita hias dengan kertas warna-warni dan bahan daur ulang.

kita mengaplikasikannya dengan menggunakan cerita "pangeran katak" secara singkat yang kita sebenarnya nggak tau ceriatnya seperti apa?hehe..
ini sebagai listening untuk anak SMA yang cukup menarik perhatian mereka,..

Once upon a time there lived a handsome prince. He lived in a big palace.
One day,he become an arrogant prince, he was angry to every soldiers and servants in the palace. Then, there was a fairy came to the palace and cursed him to be a frog. The curse will be lost if the prince changed his attitude to be better. Moreover, the curse will be lost if there was a princess kiss him.
When the frog swam in the pond, he met a beautiful princess. “princess, will you kiss me?”said the frog. “you are crazy..you just a frog!!! It is impossible for me to kiss you .” said princess. Then,the frog told about his life in the past when he was a prince. So, the princess kissed the frog prince and the frog became a prince again. Finally, They lived happy ever after.

Setelah itu kita suruh mereka menceritakan kembali isi cerita tersebut(retell/speaking lesson).Selain itu kita dapat melanjutkannya dengan membaca cerita yang sudah kita siapkan di powerpoint persis seperti yang ada dicerita di atas.Selain itu kita juga bisa menjelaskan tentang grammar yang ada dicerita tersebut,serta genre cerita tersebut.Text tersebut termasuk narative text yang menggunakan past tense.

Chopstick pet (chopstick puppet) is the multifunction media for senior high school.
Flannel, needle, Dacron, thread, chopstick, glue, eye shadow, scissor, cutter.
Mini stage is the small stage where is the chopstick pet act and it is the supporting media to realize the setting of story.
Box, color paper, cellophane tape, glue, branch, cable, Dacron, scissor, tip marker.

1.To make the teaching is easier.
2.supporting the lesson to be more interesting.
As a multifunction media, we can use it for 1 material but with the 1 material we can convey many aspects such as: listening, speaking, writing, grammar and others.
We just play the characters in the chopstick pet with mini stage as a setting of the story.

how to make paragraph using outline?

The Best Recreation place
There are four considerations to choose the best recreation place. First, the place must be comfort for us. For instance, we must choose the beautiful place. Furthermore, the place must be clean. Second, the place must provide the complete facilities. For example, the place must provide arena for games. Besides, the place must provide the public facilities like mosque, toilet, canteen, etc. Third, the place must be safe. For instance, the place is far away from disaster like eruption, flood, etc. Moreover, the games in recreation place must be safe too for us. Fourth, we must choose the strategic place. For example, the place is easy to get there. Then, the distance is not too far from our house. So, we must consider before we choose the place for recreation.
TOPIC SENTENCE: There are 3 considerations to choose the best recreation place.
Major support 1: The comfortable place
A .Minor support: beautiful place.
B .Minor support: must be clean.
Major support 2: the complete facilities.
A .minor support: providing arena for games
B .minor support: providing the public facilities.
Major support 3: the safety place
A .minor support: far away from the disaster.
B .minor support: being safe in every games.
Major support 3: the strategic place.
A. minor support: being easy to get the place.
B. minor support: the close distance.
CONCLUDING SENTENCE: So, we must consider before we choose the place for recreation.

descriptive text (saturn planet)

Topic : Saturn
Topic sentence : Saturn is a particular planet
A. major support 1 : have a ring.
a. Minor support : consist of 2 circles
b. minor support : the dimension of circle.
c. minor support : formed by millions of ice
B. major support 2 : consist of 19 satellites.
a. minor support :the biggest satellite.
b. minor support :the other satellite.
c. minor support : no name satellite.
C. major support 3 : the dimension of Saturn.
a. minor support : the diameter of Saturn.
b. minor support : the volume of Saturn.
c. minor support : the weight of Saturn.
D. concluding sentence : So, some characteristic of Saturn can make it particular.
Saturn is a particular planet. It has a ring. The ring consists of two circles. The first circle dimension is 2.40.000-278.000 km and the second circle dimension is 178.000-234000 km. Furthermore, the ring is formed by millions of ice. Besides, Saturn consists of 19 satellites. The biggest satellite is Titan. The other satellites are mimas, encleadus, tethys, dione, rhea, hypherion, lapetur, phobe, janus, epimethius, telesto, calypso, atlas, pandora, helene, prometheus, and Pan. Meanwhile, there is one satellite without name. Saturn also has the particular dimension. The diameter of Saturn is about 120.000 km. Moreover, the volume of Saturn is about 780 times of the earth volume. Besides, the weight of Saturn is about 95 times of the earth weight. So, some characteristic of Saturn can make it particular.

expository text (gaul magazine)

Topic : magazine
Topic sentence : Gaul magazine is a good reading for teenager.
A. major support 1 : change the cover.
a. minor support : become more interesting with the color.
b. minor support : being more fantastic
c. minor support : filled with the famous actor or actress.
B. Major support 2 : complete the contents.
a. minor support : the love stories.
b. minor support : the profile of actor or actress.
c. minor support : the up to date clothes styles.
C. Major support 3 : give information about international life.
a. minor support : information about international actor or actress.
b. minor support : information about international building.
c. minor support : information about international culture.
D. concluding sentence: So, Gaul magazine have shown the good progress in every edition.
Gaul magazine is a good reading for teenager. Take, for example, Gaul magazine change the cover in the third edition, on October 2010. The cover becomes more interesting with the color. The font of the title in the cover is more fantastic. In addition, the cover is filled with the famous actor or actress.More recently, in the fourth edition, on November 2010, Gaul magazine also complete the contents. The contents are added with the love stories. Besides, We can also find the profile of actor or actress. Moreover, there is some information about the up to date clothes style.In fifth edition, on December 2010, Gaul magazine also give the information about international life. For instance, it gives the information about international actor or actress.It also gives the information about international buildings. Furthermore, it gives the information about international culture. So, Gaul magazine have shown the good progress in every edition.

narative text (screaming)


Topic : Screaming.

Topic sentence : the frightened screaming surprised me last night.

A. major support 1 : shouted my name.

a. minor support : ran to the toilet.

b. minor support : called my name.

c. minor support : didn’t open the door.

B. major support 2 : push the door carefully.

a. minor support : have not courage.

b. minor support : thought that there was a snake or ghost.

c. minor support : the tremble voice.

C, major support 3 : entered the toilet.

a. minor support : pointed something.

b. minor support : began afraid.

c. minor support : saw a big worm in there.

D. concluding sentence : Finally, I ordered her to silent and watered the worm until the worm entered to a hole.


The frightened screaming surprised me last night. Someone shouted my name from the toilet.Then, I ran to the toilet. She called my name again with tremble. She didn’t open the door. After that, I pushed the door carefully. Meanwhile, I haven’t courage to enter the toilet.In my brain, I thought that there was a snake or ghost. Her voice is very tremble.Then, I began enter the toilet. After that, she pointed something with the confusing direction but I didn’t look something there. I began afraid with the condition.Two minutes later, I knew that there is a big worm there. Finally, I ordered her to silent and watered the worm until the worm entered to a hole.


Sex before marriage is still a controversial problem for Indonesians. Indonesia as a country which belief in God extremely forbids the society to do it. Furthermore, Indonesia also has regulation to regulate the attitude of the society. However, many teenagers break the regulation and do sex before marriage. The cause is the curious feeling of the teenagers who want to know about sex which encourage them to do it. The effect of sex before marriage is many women are pregnant out of marriage. Meanwhile,Approximately there are 2 - 2,6 millions abortion cases every years in Indonesia. It usually occurs in woman who is 15-24 years old. The other effect is many people are infected by HIV /AIDS. Thus, sex before marriage is very controversial in people life.

short story (all is well)

In a campus life, there are three girls with different characters. They are cha-cha, Radin and Tatik. Cha-cha is a calm girl and she is very kind. Radin is a girl who has a high spirit to get a good score in every lesson. On the contrary, Tatik is a girl who doesn’t care about lesson, score or assignment.
One day morning, Radin forgets to do her assignment and she does it in the class. Then, cha-cha wants to share her problem to Radin, but Radin doesn’t care her, because the important thing for Radin is a good score. After that, Tatik comes to the class and she doesn’t know that there is assignment today. Radin always says that Tatik is lazy and Tatik is very angry if Radin says like that. Meanwhile, cha-cha separates them and orders Tatik to do the assignment.
In the second day, cha-cha goes to campus and brings a new laptop. She shows it to Radin, but Radin doesn’t care about it and still focus on her assignment. After that, Tatik comes to the class with her new hand phone and shows it to them. Only cha-cha who cares about it and Radin is still busy with her assignment. Then, when Radin finish her assignment, she shows it to cha-cha and Tatik. But, they don’t care about radin’s assignment. Radin began upset to them, but they say that this is radin’s assignment. Radin began upset to them, but they say that this is radin’s mistakes which never care them. So, they leave Radin alone in the class.
Radin listen Kanjuruhan FM in the class, the announcer is Resnu. Then, Radin shares her problem to Resnu and Resnu gives advice to her, it is better for Radin to ask apologize to Tatik and cha-cha. In the same day, cha-cha also calls Resnu in Kanjuruhan FM and shares the same problem.
In the next day, cha-cha and Tatik discuss about the problem in the class. Then, cha-cha asks apologize to Radin and Radin also does it. After that, cha-cha orders Radin to ask apologize to Tatik. When Radin asks apologize, Tatik refuses it. However, cha-cha gives advice for Tatik to forgive Radin and she forgives her. So, they are friends now.
At the same day, they meet Resnu in the canteen. After that, Resnu invites them to announce with him in Kanjuruhan FM. The topic is about friendship. Cha-cha says that friendship is everything, because we need each other. Furthermore, Tatik says that this is not life without problem, problem is a spice of friendship and life is flat without problem. Meanwhile, Radin says that friendship like chocolate, there is bitter taste in it, but we know that the really taste is sweet. So, they know that whatever the problem, they believe that all is well.

news reporting in kanjuruhan university

Aku radin guys, aku dan chacha uda kenal dari awal P3T, tapi kita nggak begitu akrab. Cuma saling tau nama aja. Aku dan dia mulai akrab sejak aku ikut lomba reading news and reporting. Awalnya aku ngrasa nggak pede, tau nggak partnerku siapa? Aku dipasangkan bareng chacha dan ummul. Jelas aja aku nggak pede, secara mereka pinter banget dan uda menguasai structure English maupun speaking. Mereka masternya deh di kelasku. Hanya satu doaku, “Tuhan, aku nggak papa kalo’ harus kalah dalam perlombaan ini. Tapi berikan-lah aku kekalahan yang bisa membuatku tersenyum. Biarkan aku berusaha dahulu dan biarkan aku memberikan yang terbaik untuk teman-teman tercintaku kelas F. Amin…” Aku Cuma nggak pengen terlihat bodoh di depan banyak orang, aku pengen memberikan yang terbaik.
Hari ini tanggal 20042010, hari yang bikin aku nervest 99,99%. Ini saatnya aku berjuang untuk diriku dan temen-temen. Aku berperan sebagai reporter, ummul sebagai survivor dan chacha sebagai pembaca berita. Aku, chacha dan ummul latihan di lantai 3 bahkan kita menguji kemampuan di depan Mr.Wakhid, pokoknya kerja keras deh. Yang bikin aku malu tuh, aku pake blazer warna item, dapet pinjem dari temennya temenku lagi. Awalnya aku ngrasa minder waktu tau kalo pesertanya tuh pemenang juara 2 lomba pidato bahasa inggris, yang bener aja.. Tapi aku bangkit lagi waktu ummul bilang “ini kesempatan kita buat nunjukin ke mereka kalo’ kita mampu, Din...”

Akhirnya kita daftar dan dapat nomor peserta dua. Aku nervest banget waktu aku maju ke depan sambil memegang mix ditangan kananku.Tapi aku mulai semangat saat semua temenku dari kelas F datang ke area lomba dan tidak mengikuti kuliah hanya demi memberi semangat ke aku, ummul dan chacha. Aku suka cara mereka memberi kami dukungan dengan tersenyum dan memberikan acungan jempol serta memanggil nama kita. Aku membalas senyuman mereka, apalagi aku makin semangat waktu melihat hilaria dan fifi datang melihatku. Aku juga tersenyum ke arah adjudicators, meskipun kata chacha kita nggak usa senyum karena kita ada di layar kaca bukan di tempat nyata. Maaf ya cha, aku terlalu bersemangat sampai-sampai aku senyum terus,hehe..J
Setelah penampilan, kami mendapatkan tepuk tangan banyak banget. Aku ngrasa seneng banget karena aku pikir ‘aku sudah berusaha memberikan yang terbaik’. Aku juga senang dengan komentar adjudicators,
“This is so natural, baru kali ini ada peserta yang senatural kalian. Apalagi saya suka dengan alasan-alasan simple yang diberikan oleh survivor.” kata Mrs.Umi Tursini.
“Excellent…Great…”kata Mr.Abdullah sambil tersenyum dan tidak mengomentari apa-apa lagi. Sedangkan di belakang Adjudicator, semua penonton bertepuk tangan tanpa henti.
            “No comment…” kata Mr.Yon.
            “Angkatan berapa?” tambah Mr.Yon.
“2009” jawabku santai.
“Ini yang kami cari, baru semester satu sudah sehebat ini.” kata Mr.Yon.
Kita bertiga hanya mengucapkan thanks sambil tersenyum bangga. Aku mikirnggak papa deh bangga pada diri sendiri sekali-kali,hehe…’ J
Aku ngrasa bahagia banget, meskipun nanti aku nggak jadi pemenang tapi ini adalah batu kerikil yang jadi batu loncatan untuk bisa lebih maju ke masa depan yang cemerlang ‘brilliant bright future’. Pengumuman menyatakan bahwa kita MENANG. Aku bersorak sorai bareng temen-temen, aku layaknya artis waktu dipanggil ke depan bertiga.
“I don’t know what I would to say? But I will say thanks for God, for all of my friends who give me spirit, expecially F class” kataku dengan bahasa inggris yang nggak aku perhatikan grammer ataupun structurenya.
Jika kalian Tanya kapan hari terindah untukku? jawabannya adalah hari dimana aku memenangkan perlombaan ini yang bukan hanya untuk diriku tapi aku persembahkan untuk semuanya yang menyayangi-ku. Thanks God…
Seminggu berikutnya kemenangan kita bertiga di ekspose di internet, bahkan topic di facebook masih tentang kemenangan kita dan itu nggak ganti-ganti selama seminggu full. Aku banyak menerima ucapan selamat atas kemenangan ini di wallku. Yippie...J. Ini salah satu catatan di note facebookku:

On Monday night, 19 April 2010,I could not sleep. Do you know why? On the next day, 20 April 2010,I would join the news reading and reporter contest. My partners (Chacha and Ummul) and I had just prepared it one day.We were not serious but we had a high spirit. We were not confident enough when we knew participants are cleverer than us. I was very nervous and afraid if I would forget all news content when I should report the news in front of the adjudicators and audiences. However, Ummul said that this was our chance to make a dream come true. I began to have a high spirit and think that we could do it. I never thought about winning and losing. All I had in my mind was that I had to do the best for my class.
Now, 20 April 2010, we are the second contestant. I am very nervous when the host calls our name and orders us to present news. Do you know that my nervous become a confidence? It is because of my friend in F class. They support us with their smile. I also smiles for them that can make me confident. Finally, we win the competition. I still remember the adjudicators' comment. Mrs.Umi Tursini says that we are so natural, Mr.Abdullah says "excellent," and Mr.Yon just shows both of his thumbs to us and says "great.. No comment!" I only smile and say thank you. I still remember that I feel that I am just like the winner who gets the Panasonic Award! he he... like an artist in television, I said "I do not know." what would I say? I am very happy that in the first experience, we can be the winners.Thank you ALLAH and my friends who give me spirit.

ini catatan di facebook bagus dewe: 
 On Tuesday, April 20th 2010, a competition was great. Not all people were able to do it. It needed skill. In that day, there were two competitions in the same time. They were debate contest and news reporting contest. Between both of them, I was interested in the news reporting contest more than the debate contest. But actually I myself like debate. Only when the debate contest had been taking place, their voice was not loud and not evident. Besides that, audience were also forbidden to approach them. So I decided to take notice of the news reporting contest. I was surprised when my class was upon doing a winner on behalf of Radin, Umul, and Cha2. I congratulate you on winning the competition.

For Rina, Idah, and Fera in the debate contest;
Tatik in the speech contest;
Bagus, Yuda, Trubus, and Ayu in the acoustic competition;
Keep spirit up !!!!!!!!!!
For all of my friends, specially my classmates, thanks for your prayers.

ini catatan di facebooknya chacha el choyunk:
April 22, 2010 at 4:51pm
I was very happy when I heard that I got the first winner in news reporting contest on thursday,20th of April 2010.And I did not believe it,because we had no preparetion before.Moreover we had many rival who are more able than us in it.But the fact,when we had shown our ability,all of the aducators and most of student who looked us,liked our performance.They thought that it was very interestig performance.Actually we never thought that we would be the winner,we just tried to be the best.Beside it,all of my classmate used to give us spirit in joining this contest.And finally we got the winner.So that,we have to prove that we are more able than others.

ini catatan di facebooknya resnu red wolf giallorossi:
April 25, 2010 at 9:14pm
On Tuesday 20th 2010, there were two competitions. They were debate contest and news reporting. They held because to celebrated EDSA's Anniversary. The first, I watched news reporting. It was enthusiastic, because my classmates ( Ummul, Radin, and Chacha ) became winner. Their performance was so fantastic. Congratulation for them. The second, It was about debate contest. I could not watch it, because I got a lecture. But, I got information from my friends that my classmates was lost from these competition. But, never mind. I was proud to them, because they were confident and brave to showed their performance. I was sure these competition would be experience for them to improved their skill.

ini catatan di facebooknya ummul choiriyah :
On April 20, 2010, I with two of my friends followed the “News Reporting” contest in EDSA Anniversary program. We tried to do best, although without enough in preparing the material. Sometimes we were not confident, but we could get a spirit from our classmate.
I had no believed that We're the winner. This is just like a great motivation that GOD gave to Us in encouraging our studying.
Radin,,, Chacha,,, You are great...
Don't let Us be arrogant!!!
This great experience is presented to F Class...
The Champion is F Class, isn't just me,radin, and chacha. 

ini di catatan facebooknya rachmad syah:
April 25, 2010 at 7:32pm
I was very happy yesterday. On 20th April 2010, Edsa held an event. The event consist of news reporting and debate contest. The news reporting at the yard of Universitas Kanjuruhan and debate contest at Sarwakirti Auditorium. For news reporting, from F class there are Umul,Radin and Cha-cha. On the debate contest there are Rina, Ida and Fera. When Umul, Radin and Cha-cha on the stage, they are visible confident. We are not forgot to support with applause for them. Finally, they can be winner from event. Congratulation to all...........!!!

ini di notesnya martha ayu:
 Firstly,I will say congratulation for all friend,especially our F class because on tuesday,april 20th 2010.My friends are Chacha,Radin,and ummul,they are joining at the competition News Reporting in EDSA anniversary.
We always pray and support for all friends at the competition there.Finally they can be winner from competition,do the best all of you.

On Tuesday morning, 20 April 2010, I got an unforgettable moment when I joined news reporting competition in EDSA anniversary - Kanjuruhan University.
Before that time, I saw an announcement at EDSA wall magazine. First, there were many competitions in this event. There was a debate competition in Sarwakirti Auditorium. There was also news reporting competition in front of university head’s office building. Moreover, there was a speech competition in the same place. Second, there were requirements of each competition. For instance, every class had to participate in this event. They also had to prepare the material.
Then, I joined news reporting competition. I had to have good preparation. First, I had to find good topic material. Second, I had to exercise regularly. Third, I also had to find the suitable costume.
And then, I became the winner. I was very happy. Because I got appreciate from adjudicators. Moreover, I got congratulations from my friends. I also got a good price from the committee of EDSA-Anniversary.
Finally, I really realized that many people know me because this event.