Rabu, 15 April 2009

short story (all is well)

In a campus life, there are three girls with different characters. They are cha-cha, Radin and Tatik. Cha-cha is a calm girl and she is very kind. Radin is a girl who has a high spirit to get a good score in every lesson. On the contrary, Tatik is a girl who doesn’t care about lesson, score or assignment.
One day morning, Radin forgets to do her assignment and she does it in the class. Then, cha-cha wants to share her problem to Radin, but Radin doesn’t care her, because the important thing for Radin is a good score. After that, Tatik comes to the class and she doesn’t know that there is assignment today. Radin always says that Tatik is lazy and Tatik is very angry if Radin says like that. Meanwhile, cha-cha separates them and orders Tatik to do the assignment.
In the second day, cha-cha goes to campus and brings a new laptop. She shows it to Radin, but Radin doesn’t care about it and still focus on her assignment. After that, Tatik comes to the class with her new hand phone and shows it to them. Only cha-cha who cares about it and Radin is still busy with her assignment. Then, when Radin finish her assignment, she shows it to cha-cha and Tatik. But, they don’t care about radin’s assignment. Radin began upset to them, but they say that this is radin’s assignment. Radin began upset to them, but they say that this is radin’s mistakes which never care them. So, they leave Radin alone in the class.
Radin listen Kanjuruhan FM in the class, the announcer is Resnu. Then, Radin shares her problem to Resnu and Resnu gives advice to her, it is better for Radin to ask apologize to Tatik and cha-cha. In the same day, cha-cha also calls Resnu in Kanjuruhan FM and shares the same problem.
In the next day, cha-cha and Tatik discuss about the problem in the class. Then, cha-cha asks apologize to Radin and Radin also does it. After that, cha-cha orders Radin to ask apologize to Tatik. When Radin asks apologize, Tatik refuses it. However, cha-cha gives advice for Tatik to forgive Radin and she forgives her. So, they are friends now.
At the same day, they meet Resnu in the canteen. After that, Resnu invites them to announce with him in Kanjuruhan FM. The topic is about friendship. Cha-cha says that friendship is everything, because we need each other. Furthermore, Tatik says that this is not life without problem, problem is a spice of friendship and life is flat without problem. Meanwhile, Radin says that friendship like chocolate, there is bitter taste in it, but we know that the really taste is sweet. So, they know that whatever the problem, they believe that all is well.

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