Rabu, 15 April 2009

descriptive text (saturn planet)

Topic : Saturn
Topic sentence : Saturn is a particular planet
A. major support 1 : have a ring.
a. Minor support : consist of 2 circles
b. minor support : the dimension of circle.
c. minor support : formed by millions of ice
B. major support 2 : consist of 19 satellites.
a. minor support :the biggest satellite.
b. minor support :the other satellite.
c. minor support : no name satellite.
C. major support 3 : the dimension of Saturn.
a. minor support : the diameter of Saturn.
b. minor support : the volume of Saturn.
c. minor support : the weight of Saturn.
D. concluding sentence : So, some characteristic of Saturn can make it particular.
Saturn is a particular planet. It has a ring. The ring consists of two circles. The first circle dimension is 2.40.000-278.000 km and the second circle dimension is 178.000-234000 km. Furthermore, the ring is formed by millions of ice. Besides, Saturn consists of 19 satellites. The biggest satellite is Titan. The other satellites are mimas, encleadus, tethys, dione, rhea, hypherion, lapetur, phobe, janus, epimethius, telesto, calypso, atlas, pandora, helene, prometheus, and Pan. Meanwhile, there is one satellite without name. Saturn also has the particular dimension. The diameter of Saturn is about 120.000 km. Moreover, the volume of Saturn is about 780 times of the earth volume. Besides, the weight of Saturn is about 95 times of the earth weight. So, some characteristic of Saturn can make it particular.

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