Rabu, 15 April 2009

expository text (gaul magazine)

Topic : magazine
Topic sentence : Gaul magazine is a good reading for teenager.
A. major support 1 : change the cover.
a. minor support : become more interesting with the color.
b. minor support : being more fantastic
c. minor support : filled with the famous actor or actress.
B. Major support 2 : complete the contents.
a. minor support : the love stories.
b. minor support : the profile of actor or actress.
c. minor support : the up to date clothes styles.
C. Major support 3 : give information about international life.
a. minor support : information about international actor or actress.
b. minor support : information about international building.
c. minor support : information about international culture.
D. concluding sentence: So, Gaul magazine have shown the good progress in every edition.
Gaul magazine is a good reading for teenager. Take, for example, Gaul magazine change the cover in the third edition, on October 2010. The cover becomes more interesting with the color. The font of the title in the cover is more fantastic. In addition, the cover is filled with the famous actor or actress.More recently, in the fourth edition, on November 2010, Gaul magazine also complete the contents. The contents are added with the love stories. Besides, We can also find the profile of actor or actress. Moreover, there is some information about the up to date clothes style.In fifth edition, on December 2010, Gaul magazine also give the information about international life. For instance, it gives the information about international actor or actress.It also gives the information about international buildings. Furthermore, it gives the information about international culture. So, Gaul magazine have shown the good progress in every edition.

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