Rabu, 15 April 2009

chopstick pet (chopstick puppet and mini stage)

EDSA(english departmen student association) Anniversairy yang ke 25 di universitas kanjuruhan mengadakan lomba teaching learning media for senior high school,nggak nyangka dapet juara pertama dengan menciptakan karya yang pertamanya buat kita pesimis.Kita membuat chopstick pet and mini stage yang bahan dasarnya dari sumpit,kain flannel,dakron,lem,dan alat alat jahit.Serta membuat mini stage untuk panggungnya sebagia media pendukung untuk jalannya proses belajar mengajar.Mini stage terbuat dari kardus yang kita hias dengan kertas warna-warni dan bahan daur ulang.

kita mengaplikasikannya dengan menggunakan cerita "pangeran katak" secara singkat yang kita sebenarnya nggak tau ceriatnya seperti apa?hehe..
ini sebagai listening untuk anak SMA yang cukup menarik perhatian mereka,..

Once upon a time there lived a handsome prince. He lived in a big palace.
One day,he become an arrogant prince, he was angry to every soldiers and servants in the palace. Then, there was a fairy came to the palace and cursed him to be a frog. The curse will be lost if the prince changed his attitude to be better. Moreover, the curse will be lost if there was a princess kiss him.
When the frog swam in the pond, he met a beautiful princess. “princess, will you kiss me?”said the frog. “you are crazy..you just a frog!!! It is impossible for me to kiss you .” said princess. Then,the frog told about his life in the past when he was a prince. So, the princess kissed the frog prince and the frog became a prince again. Finally, They lived happy ever after.

Setelah itu kita suruh mereka menceritakan kembali isi cerita tersebut(retell/speaking lesson).Selain itu kita dapat melanjutkannya dengan membaca cerita yang sudah kita siapkan di powerpoint persis seperti yang ada dicerita di atas.Selain itu kita juga bisa menjelaskan tentang grammar yang ada dicerita tersebut,serta genre cerita tersebut.Text tersebut termasuk narative text yang menggunakan past tense.

Chopstick pet (chopstick puppet) is the multifunction media for senior high school.
Flannel, needle, Dacron, thread, chopstick, glue, eye shadow, scissor, cutter.
Mini stage is the small stage where is the chopstick pet act and it is the supporting media to realize the setting of story.
Box, color paper, cellophane tape, glue, branch, cable, Dacron, scissor, tip marker.

1.To make the teaching is easier.
2.supporting the lesson to be more interesting.
As a multifunction media, we can use it for 1 material but with the 1 material we can convey many aspects such as: listening, speaking, writing, grammar and others.
We just play the characters in the chopstick pet with mini stage as a setting of the story.

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