Rabu, 15 April 2009

narative text (screaming)


Topic : Screaming.

Topic sentence : the frightened screaming surprised me last night.

A. major support 1 : shouted my name.

a. minor support : ran to the toilet.

b. minor support : called my name.

c. minor support : didn’t open the door.

B. major support 2 : push the door carefully.

a. minor support : have not courage.

b. minor support : thought that there was a snake or ghost.

c. minor support : the tremble voice.

C, major support 3 : entered the toilet.

a. minor support : pointed something.

b. minor support : began afraid.

c. minor support : saw a big worm in there.

D. concluding sentence : Finally, I ordered her to silent and watered the worm until the worm entered to a hole.


The frightened screaming surprised me last night. Someone shouted my name from the toilet.Then, I ran to the toilet. She called my name again with tremble. She didn’t open the door. After that, I pushed the door carefully. Meanwhile, I haven’t courage to enter the toilet.In my brain, I thought that there was a snake or ghost. Her voice is very tremble.Then, I began enter the toilet. After that, she pointed something with the confusing direction but I didn’t look something there. I began afraid with the condition.Two minutes later, I knew that there is a big worm there. Finally, I ordered her to silent and watered the worm until the worm entered to a hole.

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